Q&A with David Saner: Graphic Designer

David Saner recently joined Centrifuge Media as a Graphic Designer! We gave him some time to settle into the role then asked him a few questions about his new position and what inspires him!


What was your path to Centrifuge Media?


Before Centrifuge Media I was right out of college from Troy University with a BS in Graphic Design and in my second-year interning at a marketing agency called, “BrandMuscle” (now Ansira). I learned a lot about working at an agency for a diverse number of clients. I loved the fast-paced environment, always having work to do, and learning from the seasoned graphic designers. I had ambition to move away and establish myself in a new state, working for an agency. That’s how I ended up in Raleigh, NC working for Centrifuge Media. 


What aspect of your role are you most excited about and why?


I am most excited to learn from not just the creative team but everyone at Centrifuge Media. Each person has an area of expertise or something they’re passionate about. I want to soak in as much as I can to build up my skills as a graphic designer and to expand my horizons by learning something new. 



You can offer a client one piece of advice when partnering with Centrifuge Media. What would it be?


Communication is key. Being fully transparent about exactly what you want will help us produce a stellar event for you.  


What specific projects or moments in your career/life has fueled your passion and kept you motivated?


Recently, I went on-site to an event in Boston, MA. It was incredible seeing everything come together which added a layer of appreciation and motivation for what I get to do at Centrifuge Media. Also, learning from the people around me keeps me motivated and constantly inspired. When collaborating I love listening to everyone’s different ideas. 



What do you like to do in your free time when you aren’t working? Any hobbies or activities you’re passionate about?


Graphic design is my life; I love to design for fun in my free time. Every day I try creating something new like a logo, poster, or I’ll hand draw typography. I also love to read graphic novels and design books. Outside of the design world, I enjoy a nice walk outside, watching football and basketball, and lastly, I love playing Minecraft. 


What is inspiring you right now?


Right now, I am so inspired by my friends, both those who graduated with me and those still in school, and all that they’re creating. I love seeing what everyone is up to. I’m also inspired by designers like Aaron Draplin, Michael Bierut, Emily Oberman, Ellen Lupton, and so many others that are constantly pushing graphic design to new heights.  


You can only choose one: Serif or Sans-serif? 


Is this even a question? 100% Sans-serif. There are so many good ones like, Helvetica, Univers, Trade Gothic, Dharma Gothic C, E, & M, Futura, Gibson, Agenda, Bebas Neue, Montserrat, Proxima Nova, Avenir, Neue Haas Grotesk Display, and Gill Sans to name a few.

Learn more about David Saner by visiting our about page or connect with him directly on linkedin!